I Am An F.B.I. Estate Agent!
The Reverend Sheridan James wants to shake off the Feds. She writes:
The space above the Hill Station, formerly known as Cafe Fed, is seeking a new tenant.
Over the last 40 years this space has been a library, a cafe and a sixth form common room. This is a terrific space, with great views over London and access to the creative hubs of both the Telegraph Hill Centre and the Hill Station, the amenities of Telegraph Hill, Nunhead and Brockley.
We are looking for new tenants to take that space who will fit with the feel and ethos of the Telegraph Hill Centre. The successful tenant would outline a business proposal that would:
- be of benefit to the community;
- work creatively and collaboratively with the Centre;
- be financially viable and stable;
- have a proven track-record; and
- seek a tenancy for a minimum of five years.
working areas (Units 1 and 2) with an additional office, conference or storage room plus a
galley kitchen and toilets to the rear. The facility forms a part of the Telegraph Hill Centre of
which St Catherine’s Church is the freeholder.
- Unit 1 approx. 143 sq.m.
- Unit 2 approx. 53 sq.m.
- Total approx. 196 sq.m.
new letting, or provide a financial contribution to the tenant, if it seeks to undertake works
(to be approved by the Church) itself. The Church seeks an annual rent of £35,000 excluding
business rates, utilities and normal operating & maintenance charges.
We are looking for expressions of interest to be submitted by January 29th. This means simply sending an email to telegraphhill@toucansurf.com expressing your interest, giving contact details and briefly outlining your proposal (in no more than 300 words).
Viewings can be undertaken on Thursday 14th January and Friday 15th January between 10.30 and 13.30.