The Brockley Street Art Festival 2018

Artist Orbit works on a cosmic piece in Honor Oak
The Brockley Street Art Festival is taking place in parallel to the Brockley Max, creating new works of art across the Greater Brockley area. Now in its fourth year, the Festival is spreading its wings. Organiser Ian explains:

We’re moving the 2018 centrepiece works north of the station this year and and our theme is community spaces.

Aspire is doing a huge work at Luxmore Gardens near Lewisham Way. At nearby Friendly Gardens, Enos is doing an extended mural working with the designs of students at Prendergast Vale.

Lionel Stanhope is refreshing his iconic SE4 work near the station and two artists, Orbit and Owain will be repainting the Honor Oak ‘love them, tell them’ corner fence.

We may also have a new piece by Artmongers, though that may be created next year - it’s big.