The embattled of Algiers
Map of cut thru MT “@BrockleyCentral: campaign to keep Brockley / Ladywell short-cut open”
— Clare Seldon (CGeog) (@cdlseldon) October 3, 2014
A short-cut used by people to walk between Algiers Road and Greatfield Close in Ladywell is being shut off for no good reason (motorbikes and mopeds occasionally sneak through, so pedestrians have to pay the price), annoying residents who are going to be forced to walk the long way. Sara explains:At issue is a gate in a high metal fence that was always open to pedestrians, and will now be welded shut. It crosses a paved foot path leading from near the top of the U made by Algeirs & Veda, through to Greatfield Close, enabling one to get to Adelaide Road or Eastern Road without having to walk down Vicars and through Ladywell Village.
It is heavily used by school runs to Gordonbrock & Beecroft by those living on Vicars, Algiers & Veda. Personally I'd be gutted if it was shut off. With it, I can walk 2 small children to the doctors in 10 mins, or to school in 20. Without those would be 25 & 35.
The Greatfield Close estate is managed by Brockley PFI. A petition's been launched to stop the cut-through being cut-off. Click here to support it.