Lewisham's average wage is £474 per week
The Office for National Statistics has produced an interactive map of Britain, which allows you to compare average pay in different regions of the country. The average weekly wage for a job in Lewisham is £474 overall and 643 for men in full time employment or £567 for women in full time employment.
Worth noting that though the Lewisham average is exactly the same as that of Greenwich, it is far less than that of Southwark, which has an average wage of £645. The gap between Lewisham and Southwark is about twice as big as that between Lewisham and Middlesbrough.
So when people ask why Southwark has nicer street furniture and libraries than Lewisham, it's worth bearing in mind that our neighbours are considerably better off than us working for businesses that pay lots of rates, which means they place less stress on the social services that Councils have to provide. That's not to let Lewisham off the hook for its spending decisions, which are sometimes baffling, but it's important context.