Local Assemblies - the next generation
There is a fresh new batch of Local Assemblies coming up in the next few weeks and Lewisham Council want Generation Y to be there and what better way to re-engage with the kids than via a blog?
Assembly organiser Sarah Cooper explains:
"18-30 year olds were under-represented at the last round of Assemblies, so I am keen to ensure that their views, are reflected better next time around. As ever, we are keen to encourage as many people as possible to come, but younger people are a particular priority."
Here are the dates:
Brockley Assembly, Wednesday 24th September, 7pm - 9pm, Lewisham College, Lewisham Way
Telegraph Hill Assembly, Saturday 27th September, 1-3pm, Telegraph Hill Centre, Kitto Road
Crofton Park Assembly, Monday 13th October, 7.30pm -9.30pm , St Hilda' s Church Hall, Courtrai Road