New Brockley mural vote
A few weeks ago, one of the murals near Brockley station was destroyed. The mural depicted Jimi Hendrix and was part of a set of three panels celebrating "Heroes and Heroines". So the third panel has become Brockley's fourth plinth.
As part of the Brockley MAX festival, local artist Chris Getliffe has offered to create a new design on 3rd and 4th June and Brockley Max would like your help in deciding what appears there. Here are the themes he's asked you to choose between:
- Kindness Of Strangers
- Old Friends
- New loves
- A Truly Significant Thing
- Journeys
- What doesn’t kill you can only make you stronger
There is a new poll in the right-hand column that you register your vote on and we'd welcome your thoughts and comments here.
Thanks to Chris and to the organisers of the MAX for offering to restore this part of Brockley's character.