Tank Gallery, Ladywell

The Tank Gallery is attached to the recently-rejuvenated Ladywell Tavern. It's a small space but it's already being put to good use by the artist who runs it, Aoife van Linden Tol, whose exhibition "A Stitch in Time" runs until May 29th. Its bunker-like qualities make it the perfect space to show her explosives-inspired work.
Aoife explains how the Gallery got started:
The Landlord has wanted to use the space as a gallery for some time now. I heard about it through a friend and we met up and decided to go for it. He really wants the pub to be more than just a boozer.
There are so many artists in the area and the space itself being perfect for a gallery. So it made perfect sense to go for that idea really. The space had been used as storage for years and we turned it around in two and a half weeks!
The aim is to serve the local community putting on high quality. contemporary shows of local, as well as international artists of various stages in their careers. I think it will work particularly well as a platform for unknown or up and coming artists.
We also want it to be quite dynamic. So we want to have parties, kids projects, art classes, poetry, performance art and get the local colleges and universities involved. I am talking to someone about life drawing classes in the upstairs room, so hopefully that will start up soon.
I am very open for people to get involved if they have good ideas that would work in the space.
We normally close at 6pm but will do late openings if there is stuff happening at the pub. In which case we can stay open till 9 or 10pm.