Brockley Central Zeitgeist 2010
It's time for our annual report - the Brockley Central Zeitgeist. It's a summary of the traffic the site gets, where they come from and what they do while they're here.
There has been a lot of discussion of Brockley Central's scale and reach in recent weeks, so this should give people something to chew on.
The list of key word searches that draw people to the site and the most popular pages is an important reminder that - for all of the news and discussion generated on the site - it is first-and-foremost a local information resource. The majority of the site's users dip in and out, looking for reviews, contact information or to find out more about the area and local services. It's for this reason that we've introduced the hotlinks in the top right section of the home page and it's gratifying to see that two of them already appear in the year's top 10.
The list of search terms has fewer seemingly random entries than last year's (and the year before's). Whereas in previous years, searches which seemed to have little connection with the site could still feature prominently, the growth in traffic this year means that these anomalies no longer feature.
November 2010 was our busiest month ever, followed by May, which was given a boost by a combination the local and general election and the high-profile shootings (like last year, when the Nightstalker case delivered a big uplift in traffic). The busiest day was November 2nd, when 3,766 visitors trawled the site, the spike the result of the tube strike coverage.
The time period measured is December 28th 2009 - December 27th 2010 (and the historic comparisons are with the period December 27th 2008 - December 26th 2009). We use Google Analytics to compile the statistics, and Sitemeter to provide real time reporting.
Vital statistics
837,022 page views (up 55.58% on 2009)
399,381 visits (up 72.25% on 2009)
115,454 absolute unique visitors (up 78.86% on 2009)
Average time on site: 3 minutes, 32 seconds (down 17.86% on 2009)
Top 10 most popular pages (excludes home page)
November tube strike story
Stillness school fire
South East London tradespeople
Suggest a topic
East London Line
Top 10 traffic sources (excludes direct traffic)
Deptford Dame
The Guardian
Top 30 search terms (excludes common searches like Brockley, Brockley news or Brockley Central)
Tube strike November
Browns of Brockley
The Orchard Brockley
Stillness School Fire
Brockley Mess
Who killed Deon?
Joan Ruddock expenses
East London Line
Good dentist Brockley
Brockley shooting
Le Querce
Ladywell Tavern
The Talbot
Journey times Brockley Whitechapel
Brockley Christmas Market
Brockley Kiwi
Aladdin's Cave Lewisham
Mac repairs
Brockley Open Studios 2010
Window cleaner
Brockley world food festival
Sounds Around Brockley
Goldsmiths But Is It Art?
Long Time cafe
Royal Albert