Jam Circus Christmas

Jam Circus has a new manager, Polly, who's been in touch to tell readers about their Christmas plans. She writes:

We've got a brass band coming in on the 23rd in the evening to play some Christmassy songs by the fire/christmas tree (that sounds like a fire hazard..)

We've also got our fire on daily and got Mulled Wine in the bucket loads, plus lots of mince pies and our usual yummy food. New Years we are having a 1950's Roswell America themed party, it's from 4pm-3am and there's a prize for the best dressed. It's £10 entry (tickets are on sale now at Jam) and that includes a free glass of something fizzy. We're open on NY day from 12-6 for all day hangover brunch. The only day we are closed is Christmas day and open all the rest although for shorter hours.