Brockley fish and beer mash-up Mondays
From November 24th, Brockley Road fish and chip restaurant Brockley's Rock will be doing Beer Batter Mondays. They say:
be collaborating with the much loved Brockley Brewery and are honoured to be using their Pale Ale
for the batter.
On Monday evenings, 4pm – 10pm, we'll be offering a Pale Ale Beer Batter as a special for those who
enjoy the taste of an ale infused bitter batter. The Beer batter can be used with any of our fried fish.
"This compliments our growing specials menu which contains regular variations of homemade
fishcakes as well as a Gluten-Free menu on Tuesdays.
Over the last few weeks, the demand for Beer Batter has increased considerably. With many of our
twitter followers suggesting that we collaborate with a local brewery to create a tasty new batter, we
felt that the Brockley Brewery was a great choice to work with due to their amazing reputation and
great tasting beer.
"Those who do not drink alcohol for personal or religious reasons will be pleased to know that we
use a separate pan for beer battered fish."