Cuts and tax rises in new Council budget
Lewisham Council has approved a budget for 2016/17, which will combine Council Tax rises and spending cuts. The full details are available here, but the headline figures are:
- A 3.99% increase in Band D Council Tax for Lewisham’s services for
2016/17; including the 2% increase announced in the Local Government Finance
Settlement for Social Care, along with the withdrawal of the Government’s freeze
grant of £1.0m.
- £10.752m of revenue budget savings are proposed for 2016/17
- A rent decrease of 1.0% (an average of £0.99 per week) in respect of
dwelling rents, 1.0% (average £0.39 per week) in respect of hostels, and a range of
other proposed changes to service charges. The proposed annual expenditure for
the Housing Revenue Account is £167.6m, including the capital and new build
programme, for 2016/17
Thanks to Monkeyboy for the heads-up.