Brockley: Where do you draw the line?

Harefield Road: the centre of Brockley?

As has been covered before, Brockley can sometimes seem to be a nation divided against itself. The railway line bisects Brockley in to east and west – and the easterners sometimes seem to regard themselves as the “haves” as opposed to the westerners’ “have nots”, sometimes writing off the "other side" of the tracks as 'not proper Brockley'.

But recently, I’ve noticed that estate agents are marketing houses as being in Brockley, even when they’re as far afield as Ladywell, St John’s and Honor Oak. I guess it’s because there’s a buzz about Brockley in the property market (the most recent evidence being the arrival of the estate agents James Johnston, whose only other offices are in central Greenwich and Blackheath) that the Brockley catchment area is being redefined.

So how do you define Brockley? My definition would be the area bounded by Lewisham Way, Tyrwhitt Road, Malpas Road, Nunhead Cemetary and the Brockley Jack pub (I always used to think of Crofton Park as a seperate place, but I wouldn't want to lose out on Jam Circus and that wine shop). I might also make a land-grab for Telegraph Hill, since it feels like Brockley, and St John’s as it would also be a little bit lonely without the Brockley conservation area beside it.

Ladywell, Honor Oak and all the rest seem to be perfectly distinct areas.

What's your definition?