£10,000 for Brockley Ward - How should it be spent?
Cllr Dean Walton has been in touch to promote this year's Localities Fund consultation for Brockley Ward. Once the ideas have been submitted, we'll be asking people for feedback on the suggestions, to help feed in to the decision-making process. But just as last year, we need to make it absolutely clear that Brockley Central's moderators and readers will not have the final say on who gets the money - it's just a good way to consult a wider audience.
You might also like to have a look at the Ladywell Village Improvement Group's discussion about that ward's fund. Let us hope that our conversation remains as civil.
Here's the letter from our Councillors:
Brockley Ward has been awarded £10,000 to spend on projects and activities that can improve the local area. Last year the Brockley Councillors allocated under a similar scheme to provide solar panels at Lucas Vale primary school, financial support for the Brockley Max Festival and the Brockley Fun Run and improved gardens on the Wickham Road estate and tree planting in Brockley Ward.
Earlier this year the new Brockley Assembly agreed to adopt four local priorities and so we are now looking for good ideas along the themes of:
- improving our streets, parks & open spaces
- better relations within our communities
- tackling crime & anti-social behaviour
- cleaning up the streets
However we will be more than happy to consider other good projects that will be of direct benefit to local residents. You may also be able to use money from the fund as a contribution to a larger project by putting it together with grants from charities, donations from other community groups or perhaps sponsorship from local people or businesses.
For instance £10,000 for solar panels last year was turned into £60,000 worth of panels on the schools by combining it with funding from other sources. We already have a number of ideas provided by local residents who have participated in the Brockley Assembly and also ideas from previous years.
If you have an idea for an activity or project you would like to receive funding for, please answer the questions on the next page and send them to:
Cllr Dean Walton by Friday 7 November 2008.
E-mail: cllr_dean.walton@lewisham.gov.uk
Write to: Cllr Dean Walton, Lewisham Town Hall, Catford, SE6 4RU