The Mayor of Lewisham?
Reality has a well-known liberal bias.
- Stephen Colbert
Brockley Councillor Dean Walton has launched a bid to become Lewisham's first Green Mayor.
The Greens point to their position in the European elections - where they polled in second place across the borough - as evidence that Walton has a realistic chance of ousting the encumbent Bullock.
In Brockley Central's experience, Cllr Walton is a good egg who belongs to the reality-based wing of the Green Party. He lists his priorities as:
- free insulation for every home to cut fuel bills and save energy
- ensuring 50% affordable housing in new developments
- borough-wide recycling of kitchen and garden waste
- no cuts to social care support for elderly and disabled people
- expansion of the operating hours of Safer Neighbourhoods teams to ensure more visible community policing
- an extensive programme of tree-planting across the borough
- working to keep new and existing schools in local authority control
Brockley Central will be covering this year's elections in detail and will return to the Mayoral race at a later date.