BXAG behind the bike shed
Been wondering what the diggers have been up to at Brockley Station? Rupert from the Brockley Cross Action Group explains:
TfL's contractor are installing a new bike shelter for 20 bikes. After the construction of the new ticket barriers at the start of the year and the loss of the old bike shelter I have been banging on at TfL about installing a replacement shelter as they hadn't actually thought about this when they first arrived on site to build the new ticket barrier structure. So you can thank or blame me for this!
It is the only place left around the Station where a bike shelter can go - it is certainly not the cheap option so we should be thankful they committed themselves to sorting out the replacement. Hopefully it will bring an end to having bikes locked up everywhere else and should improve security for bike owners.
The work has been going on for weeks, which must make this the most elaborate bike shed construction in history.