Poor place suffers from poverty-related health problems
The 2013 health profile of Lewisham is out! It's not pretty.
We're winning on hip fractures (in your face, Eastbourne) and healthy eating (by virtue of the fact that Lewisham is not in the north of England) but not much else:
- Deprivation is higher than average and about 17,900 children live in poverty
- Life expectancy for both men and women is lower than the England average. Life expectancy is 6.8 years lower for men and 4.6 years lower for women in the most deprived areas of Lewisham than in the least deprived areas
- Over the last 10 years, all cause mortality rates have fallen. The early death rate from heart disease and stroke has fallen and is worse than the England average
- In Year 6, 25.0% of children are classified as obese, worse than the average for England. Levels of teenage England average
- Levels of alcohol related hospital admissions and teenage pregnancy and GCSE attainment are worse than the stays among those under 18, breast feeding and smoking in pregnancy are better than the England average
- The estimated level of adult 'healthy eating' is better than the England average
- Rates of sexually transmitted infections and smoking related deaths are worse than the England average
- The rate of hip fractures is better than the England average
- Priorities in Lewisham include lifestyle and behaviour change, tackling obesity, alcohol and smoking
With thanks to Robert.