HACAN feel your pain
HACAN (The Heathrow Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise) is the key lobby group against noise pollution from Heathrow. Their voice counts in the debate over Heathrow flight patterns and to-date they have remained silent about the test patterns that have recent been employed over Brockley in the early mornings. HACAN's silence has been in stark contrast to the planes, which have kept many BCers awake (see here and here).
So Brockley campaigner Elise has turned her bloodshot gaze upon them. She reports:
I have spoken with the head of HACAN who I am pleased to hear confirm that they say:
"HACAN will not support the continuation of any scheme beyond the end of March that disbenefits any residents. And without our support, the airport authorities will not introduce a scheme."
We, therefore, need to demonstrate to HACAN (as well as BAA and our councillors etc) that we are suffering and do not want the scheme to be implemented permanently beyond March. You can email HACAN to register your view at info@hacan.org.uk or johnstewart2@btconnect.com
A public meeting has also been arranged on March 8th by BAA and HACAN to consult on the issue of the trial. This is our chance to give our view and be counted. Please attend if you can: 7.30-9.00pm at Greenwich and Southwark Samaritans, 1-5 Angus Street, London SE14 6LU.
Finally, the government is inviting consultation on the issue of night flights generally: email your view to night.noise@dft.gsi.gov.uk