2015 Predictions - Kaiseki
These are BC's predictions for 2015. In order to discount them, click here to see how our 2014 predictions fared.
Brockley Cross is not the new Lewisham Way. Last year, we said the new Meze Mangal would give Lewisham Way a wider lift. We were wrong. This time, we think The Brockley Deli will deliver a fillip to the Cross. There is a vacant unit ready to occupy and another that is currently being refurbished. Much depends on the Council standing strong against developers who want to replace Birds Dress Agency with flats and turn the car forecourt carbuncle into something worse.
Last year's "restaurant" prediction flopped, but we're doubling down. More space is coming on stream and we suspect at least one of the area's existing restaurateurs is ready to give up the ghost and free up a restaurant unit for someone with a clue. Two new restaurants in 2015.
Everyone wants it. There are lots of nearby alternatives. It's probably not going to happen, but what the hell - 2015 will be the year that Brockley gets a gym. That requires something substantial to get built or refurbished - the sorting office is probably still vulnerable to the Royal Mail's modernisation plans. Alternatively, perhaps Ladywell Baths could accommodate something. This is our outside bet for 2015.
As predictions go, this is an empty vessel, into which we expect exotica to be poured. Last year, we got #ModelMarket in Lewisham. This year, someone's already plotting a late night coffee and tea bar in Deptford. So we're predicting that something other than the usual bar / cafe / shop / restaurant / salon will be opened in Brockley. Something strange and wonderful.
With all the big stuff being flung up in 2014, we can expect more of the same this year. This means the completion of the West Side story, as some version of this beast on Mantle Road gets underway. This side of Brockley Station deserves something decent to be built. The precedents aren't promising.