Bone Marrow Donors Needed
The Anthony Nolan Trust and Crossways Academy are launching an appeal to encourage residents from Brockley and the surrounding area to register as potential bone marrow donors in a bid to help save the life of one of the thousands of patients currently looking for a match.
Every 21 minutes someone in the UK is diagnosed with a potentially life threatening disorder, like Leukaemia or aplastic anaemia where often the only chance of a full cure is to have a bone marrow transplant. Fewer than 30% of these patients will find a family member with compatible blood stem cells to donate. For the rest, an unrelated donor is the only chance.
If you are aged 18-40 and in good health please come along to:
Crossways Academy, Sprules Road, Brockley, SE4 2NL
On Wednesday 18th March 3.30-7pm
To learn more about what's involved with donation, click here.
To read about people who've been donors, click here.