Love Lewisham Day - Part 2: The Best Nando's In the World
Wernstrom: Not only do you not deserve a Nobel Prize for loosing this bloated man-ball on the world but you are hereby kicked out of the Academy of Science.
Bender: Wait! As men of science are not your minds open to new ideas? I say, do not judge me until you have tried my way of life for yourselves.
- Futurama
During this discussion of what high street business would enhance your enjoyment of Brockley, Nando's came up disturbingly often. But sometimes we fail to see what's right in front of us - and hurt those who love us most.
BCer Max spotted this tribute to Lewisham Nando's in a Guardian article about annoying people trying to get a book deal. A Greenwich man has taken it upon himself to visit every Nando's in the world and take a photo of himself in a pose that he's determined will be the next "planking". Having been to 80 Nando's (must try harder), he's discovered that the best that Nando's has to offer was just across the borough border all along, telling the paper that his highlight has been:
The Nando's in Ibiza with its unusual sesame buns. "Although, sadly, that branch since closed," says Christopher. "But the best Nando's in the world [so far] is the one in Lewisham. I had a whole chicken there and it earned a score of 10 in my write-up."