Tower-ring internal
The bells of St Peter's church on Wickham Road recently began to ring again, after a long absence. The engineer working for the Church of England, who led the restoration project, Danijel Pavlic, rebuilt the clock and bells mechanism, originally built by Smith and Sons of Clerkenwell. He explains:
"What was initially an idea of converting the 19th century mechanism to electrical power ended up as an effort to keep the mechanism genuine and, of course, operated by human power only. That will put the St. Peter's Church tower on the map as a valuable cultural heritage protecting probably the last hand-wound clock and bells mechanism in London."
So far, only 40 visitors have had the chance to see the mechanism during a guided tours of the tower, but Danijel will be holding more open days soon and would love to host Brockley residents who are interested in the project. More information here.