Boris persuaded to fixing deathtrap Deptford Junction
Deptford Broadway is a pretty disastrous bit of road layout, so anything that can be done to make it easier to navigate would be a huge step forward. This encouraging bit of news is from the office of Darren Johnson at the London Assembly:
Responding to lobbying by Darren Johnson AM, the Mayor of London has committed himself to address the concerns over pedestrian safety at Deptford Broadway.
Darren asked the Mayor to have an “investigation into how a pedestrian stage can be accommodated at this junction, and ensure works are completed as soon as possible.” The Mayor said that he was:
“…pleased to report that a preliminary design is in discussion which could potentially achieve this. This proposal will be finalised and modelled in detail before it is shared with stakeholders later this year, and TfL will be happy to share this with you.”
Darren commented:
“I look forward to seeing the detail of the plans to make Deptford Junction a safer place to cross. This sounds like welcome news on a hazardous road crossing which has been a nightmare for so many years. This junction feels dangerous and is dangerous. It has acted as a barrier which has divided one side of the community from the other. However, this junction needs a major over haul not minor tweeks.”