Vote Stillness
Stillness Infant School (Brockley Rise) has been shortlisted for the HS Scarecrow competition at the Hampton Court Flower Show for the third year running. Dianne writes:
"This is a huge achievement as the competition is open to schools across southeast England, and they are one of only two London
schools chosen. I believe, though don't know the exact number, hundreds of schools enter. There were 23 shortlisted for the finals and Stillness is the only "inner city" contender. Stillness Infants has very little green space but they've still done a great job getting kids involved in gardening and eco-awareness.
"This year's theme was World War I and the children's scarecrow was made from recyclable waste. The winner will be chosen by the public so if any BCers are heading to the show, please vote Stillness (number 4)!"