Foxcroft brings it to the floor
Officer Michaels: How old are you McLovin?
McLovin: Old enough.
Officer Slater: Old enough for what?
McLovin: To party.
- Superbad
Vicky Foxcroft, the new MP for Lewisham Deptford (AKA much of Brockley) has addressed the House of Commons for the first time and used the opportunity to give big love to the community spirit and artistic flair of the area. Nice to see the Brockley Jack, Brockley Max and the Crofton Park Library get a mention in the mother of Parliaments.
What she actually used her private members bill session for was to make the case for the voting age to be lowered to 16.
Not for Foxcroft a return to the centre ground of British politics - as well as crowbarring the Red Flag in to her seven minutes, she also promised to use words that the people of Lewisham Deptford can relate to and yet avoided both 'artisan' and 'hipster'. Here it is: