Our new gallery: Tea Leaf Arts

The team in charge of setting up the new gallery at the Tea Factory are making encouraging progress.

The name wouldn't have been our first choice (don't say it too fast!), but we like their rationale, explained to us by Sian Knight:

a) It doesn't tie us to the building in case we have to leave, and therefore rebrand, in 2
years time, but at the same time acknowleges the history of the building we are based in

b) It prevents the space from being considered as 'just' a gallery, and leaves the door open
for other arts, ie performance

c) Tea leaves are connected with looking into the future, and we like to think we're quite
forward thinking

d) 'Tea leaf' is cockney rhyming slang for 'thief', which considering we have got the space
rent free for 2 years, is quite appropriate!

There is also a new website up-and-running: http://www.tea-leaf-arts.com/ and they are planning their first general meeting at 8pm on February 19th, at Jam Circus. This will not only be for artists interested in the co-operative, but for anyone who would like to get more involved or just find out some more information. They are also hoping the co-operative application forms will be completed by then.

The number of community drinks evenings being organised these days could probably sustain a new drinking venue all on their own.