What is Brockley Road for?
We're hoping to speak to Brockley's local planning officer soon about a few things, but, as part of our preparation, we wanted to know the Council's view on what Brockley Road is supposed to be for. We know it's designated as a local town centre (in a way that Lewisham Way isn't) and we know from the interview with John Miller that the envisaged regeneration of the area will be low-level, small-scale, 'organic' development (ie: no big Council regeneration schemes).
But what kind of businesses do the Council think are right for Brockley Road - what is it for? Here's what the Lewisham plan says:
"The primary function of the Local Shopping Centres is to provide an adequate range of local shops to meet the day to day needs of the community. They are of particular benefit to the elderly and those people without the use of a car who cannot easily reach the larger centres. The loss of these shops could cause hardship and inconvenience to Borough residents. However, the Council recognises that non-retail uses can contribute to the variety and choice of facilities in Shopping Centres. They can also help to prevent vacancies and the detrimental effect that this can have on the appearance, function and economic health of the Shopping Centre. The criteria specified will help maintain the retail function while allowing for the natural changes that are part of the retail industry."
We have a couple of concerns about this. Firstly, we worry about the emphasis put on those without a car - it suggests that the Council are happy for those with cars to use them to go to Bluewater or Sainsbury's - we think the aim should be to encourage everyone to shop locally. Secondly, the model of a successful high street has changed - thriving high streets are not just "local shopping centres" they are centres for community life and places to eat, drink and do things are a vital and growing part of the mix. The policy seems to recognise that, but only in a rather grudging way.
Anyway, what are your thoughts please?