Brockley Common: Two steps forward, one step back?
The council's contractor for the long-awaited Brockley Common works, Conways, has begun to clear the site today having installed a ramp and steps. The area around the station entrance has been left as bare soil, unplanted, and due to the previously-documented alleged asbestos problems the planned performance space has not been created.
The council's highways department is project-managing the scheme but the Brockley Cross Action Group have kept a close eye on progress and are very concerned about some aspects of the work.
These include the incomplete works, the lack of a completed footpath on the west side of Coulgate Street, the lack of greening/plants, the missing performance area, the missing corner stairs, the time and money allegedly spent on asbestos removal, and the lack of communication to the community about project progress (the only signs around the site were placed by the train company, not the council, according to BXAG).
BXAG are calling on the council to publish a project plan stating when the above will be completed.
Local residents who want to lobby Lewisham Council about this situation can email gill.redrup (remove space).