Fit for Sport, Friendly Gardens
Brockley Central was in Greenwich Market today, to witness an unfortunately underwhelming circus skills class, staged for the benefit of local kids. At exactly the same time, BC reader Amy was passing through Friendly Gardens, and reports the following:
"There were two nice kids running a "Fit for Sport" free sports club for kids between 3 and 8. It's running for the rest of this week between 10am and 1pm, yet there was no one there today at 12pm.
"Just wondering if you could put something up on the blog in case any parents with kids to entertain fancy it? Seems a shame when it's council sponsored and there is sports kit there yet there's no one using it."
Perhaps this publicity shot of Friendly Gardens on the Lewisham Council website, complete with dog poo poster natch, put people off...
Thanks to Amy for the suggestion.