Say you'll be there*

The performance of all Lewisham councillors has been published and BC notes that Brockley's three representatives have a mixed record.

Darren Johnson attended all nine full council sessions in 2008/09, missed two of four overview & scrutiny committee meetings, attended the only elections committee meeting, missed seven of 15 licencing committee meetings and eight of 14 licencing (supplementary) committee meetings, and attended all three Brockley Ward Assemblies.
Total score: 29 of a potential 46 meetings attended (63%).

Romayne Phoenix missed one full council session of nine, missed three of four overview & scrutiny committee meetings, attended all three standards committee meetings, missed four of 11 healthier communities select committee meetings, attended all seven children & young people select committee meetings, and missed one of three Brockley Ward Assemblies.
Total score: 28 of a potential 37 meetings attended (76%).

Dean Walton attended all nine full council sessions, missed two of four overview & scrutiny committee meetings, attended all eight planning committee meetings and all four strategic planning committee meetings, missed one of nine safer & stronger communities select committee meetings, attended both constitution working party meetings, and attended all three Brockley Ward Assemblies.
Total score: 36 of a potential 39 meetings attended (92%).

(* = Apologies for the Spice Girls reference ...)