Council to tackle Harefield / Breakspears junction
Lewisham Council has agreed to modify the junction of Breakspears and Harefield Roads following complaints from local residents, who believe it to be dangerous. Although we can't expect any action for at least a year due to funding requirements, the Council issued this statement:
They've looked at the personal injury accident data and while the accident rate is not particularly high it has not significantly lowered since the introduction of the 20mph zone. We would have expected to see a reduction following the introduction of the zone.
The engineers would like to look at what improvements could be made to the junction. As a result the site has been added to our Small Traffic Schemes List for further investigation. The Small Traffic Schemes List contains requests for engineering measures from sites all over the borough from residents, ward members and MPs. Each year the schemes on the list are prioritised according to agreed criteria and as many taken forward from the top of the list as is possible with the funding available.