Mumma's Pizza
Is this is the most fiendishly devised hyperlocal marketing campaign of all time, or a piece of local fast food lore in danger of slipping out of the oral record?
Brockley-based music journalist Tim got in touch to ask if we'd ever heard of "Mumma's Pizza", after he received a postcard from a band called the Fair Ohs, urging him "If you like pizza, order yourself a Mumma's Pizza. I missed that when I moved from Brockley."
Is it still possible to get a Mumma's Pizza in Brockley? Was it ever? Inquiring minds need to know. You can see the mysterious postcard (and listen to the Fair Ohs) here. If it turns out that BC's resident Top Chef cheerleader has found a new way to plug their honest fare, we will be very impressed.