Futurama is brought to you by Arachno Spores: The fatal spore with the funny name.
- Futurama
The Friends of Blythe Hill Fields have been in touch about an event taking place in the park this Saturday, from 10am to 3pm, organised by Marks & Spencer’s and Glendale. They say:
The event is to mark and revisit the contribution M&S made to our park as part of the playground redevelopment. They donated the plants that made the bed at the entrance to the playground look so beautiful last year and loads of people, including the Mayor came and joined in planting them.
There’s loads to do, from gardening to bird box making to Face Painting so if you’ve not already got plans for the weekend, why not come and join us - we’re meeting by the playground.
M&S made a significant cash donation to the project and staff volunteers planted one of the flower beds.