Forthcoming events from the Brockley Society
BrocSoc writes:
Brockley Mews Walkabout (2)
Sunday 22 May, 11am-12.30pm
Meet on the corner Wickham and Harefield Roads. Guided walk and historical explanation by Gillian Heywood MBE, covering Garsington and Breakspears Mews, finishing at the Wickham Arms. This follows last year's first popular walk round Ashby and Wickham Mews. There is always something to learn from Gillian's vast knowledge of Brockley's Victorian and recent history!
Hilly Fields Midsummer Fayre
Saturday 18th June, 12 noon - 5pm
Make sure you keep the date free for this highlight community event. Book your STALLS now using the application form on Even if you always have a stall, don't assume we know! Space may run out!
To ADVERTISE in the programme (deadline imminent, circulation 10,000) email advertise@
As a community event it needs more VOLUNTEERS - especially on the day! If you can steward or help for a couple of hours, email chair@brockleysociety.
On the day we need CAKES! Our tea and cake stall is one of the fayre's highlights and we depend on contributions from all who can bake. You can bring them on the day.