A farmers market for Lewisham College? Have your say

At the suggestion of Cllr Vicky Foxcroft, the Service Group Manager for Lewisham Trading Standards & Markets, John Pye is asking for readers' views on a proposal to stage a regular market in Lewisham College car park. Please posts your comments in the thread below.

Mr Pye writes:

Lewisham Council has been approached by a local resident who wishes to organise a regular [monthly if not weekly] 'artisans' Saturday market in the car park of Lewisham College [Junction of Lewisham Way & Tresillian Road].

I am advised that the college have given permission in principle but I am awaiting written confirmation of this. This is assuming that they actually own the land and can give such permission. Car park entrance is on Tresillian Road.

The event will comprise up to 20 stalls each supplying food or craft goods made and grown by the sellers. It would in effect be a 'farmers type' market.

In order that I can respond promptly should formal application actually be made, I am already seeking some initial views of various relevant people, including Council officers, Councillors, the Brockley Society and the readers of Brockley Central.

The legal grounds for objection are quite limited and are restricted to one or more of the matters set out below:

(a) inadequate arrangements having been proposed for accommodating the vehicles of persons attending the occasional sale;

Organiser believes that customers will walk to the event so vehicle accommodation should not be too problematical. He envisages using the front half of the car park for stalls and the rear for any vehicles that need to be accommodated.
(b) inadequate arrangements having been proposed for controlling road congestion, litter or noise caused by the occasional sale;

Road congestion - see above but as location [ although not the entrances] is right on the main road I am seeking a view from Highways section and have also suggested that organiser seeks a view from the police
Litter - Organiser advises that sellers will clear up after them but he would consider applying for a trade waste agreement if required. There is the possibility that event waste might migrate onto the roads /pavements. Cleansing and waste colleagues are being consulted.
Noise - Organiser advises that he would prohibit amplified sound