The Third Crofton Park Scout Group

Russell: My dad made it sound so easy. He's really good at camping, and how to make fire from rocks and stuff. He used to come to all my sweat lodge meetings. And afterwards, we'd go get ice cream at Fenton's. I always get chocolate and he gets butter brickle. Then we sit on this one curb right outside, and I'd count all the blue cars and he counts all the red ones, and whoever gets the most, wins. I like that curb. It might sound boring, but I think the boring stuff is the stuff I remember the most.
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Adam writes:

The Scout Association encourages everyone to ‘Join The Adventure’. That’s exactly what many young people in the Crofton Park area have done with the opening of the 3rd Crofton Park Beaver colony, and this April, a Cub Pack.

This is great news for the local area, however, such is the enthusiasm of the young people we are now at full capacity in both the Beaver and the Cub sections. In order to allow more young people experience the adventure that is Scouting we need more adult volunteers to assist on a weekly basis.

We meet at St Hilda’s Chruch, Courtari Road, Crofton Park, every Thursday, Beavers 6:15-7:15 & Cubs 6:00 – 7:30.

If you are 18+ and can spare 90 minutes a week then please get in touch with Adam Longhurst (Cub Scout Leader) on 020 3663 0307/ or Garry Leach (Development officer for Lewisham) 020 3091 6832/ Full training is provided, no prior experience required.