Devilskein & Dearlove at Lewisham Library
Join us at Lewisham Library (199-201 Lewisham High Street) on Thursday 5 February from 20:00 to 21:30.
Come and hear actor Peter Noble read from Alex Smith’s Carnegie Prize nominated tale of Erin Dearlove.
From living grumpily with her bohemian Aunt Kate, Erin’s life changes when she goes to tea with Mr Devilskein, the demon who lives on the top floor.
A fantastical story aimed primarily at 12-18 year olds, but in the tradition of former Carnegie medal winners Phillip Pullman, Terry Pratchett and CS Lewis entirely suitable for anyone aged 9-900 and there is plenty for adult readers and listeners to savour.
This is a free event but please pre-book your tickets.