We recently had our knuckles rapped for claiming to report on "all things" Telegraph Hill but failing to deliver on that promise. Things have happened in Telegraph Hill, which we haven't written about.
But no local constituency can be as underrepresented as the thriving SE4 grassroots ukulele movement. Now, thanks to the excellent Transpontine, we are happy to put the record straight:
"Meanwhile down at Broca cafe in Brockley, the new Brockley Ukulele Group has started strumming. It's very much a Sunday afternoon drop in jam at the moment, if you're interested pop into the cafe opposite Brockley station in Coulgate Street and ask."
Brockley Central will almost certainly never pick up a ukulele to join in or even go and watch them play. But knowing they exist somewhere nearby, having fun with their ukuleles, makes us feel happy.