Trees reprise

When Cllr Johnson approached us to ask Brockley Central readers where the remaining 5 trees available from the Localities Fund should go, our first question was naturally "where have the others been allocated to?"

We now have the answer:

The following have been identified so far following representations from local residents:

Admiral Street SE8
Shardeloes Road S14
Tresillian Road SE4

This being the case, we're now happy to throw our hat in to the ring on behalf of Brockley Road. For four reasons:

1. If ever there was a road in need of some cheering up, it's Brockley Road
2. The majority of people use the road regularly, so it will benefit the most people
3. Improving the look and feel of the road will help to attract new business and therefore bring wider benefits
4. Much of the support for the idea of spending the money on street trees was based on the need to improve the high street

Finding spots to plant the trees won't be easy and there are plenty of other spots in need of trees, but we would like to see at least 3 of the 5 trees planted on Brockley Road, in spots that will do most good.