Crofton Park Library volunteer needed
Crofton Park Library is looking for some one to lead their singing session for pre-schoolers.
Allison Davis, the library manager says:
"Crofton Park Library has hosted an Under 5's half hour of story-time, sing-a-long and colouring for many years.
A number of volunteers, including Gwen and Belinda have been leading the group since becoming a Community Library at the end of May 2011.
"The mums/dads and toddlers enjoy the half hour, with some staying on afterward, playing, reading and colouring. Many mums/dads borrow books for themselves and their young ones.
Unfortunately, due to changing circumstance, Belinda, our current Under 5's Leader, has decided to move on.
Anyone reading this who is interested in taking over from Belinda, please contact or visit the library and talk to me."