Principles at stake
West Brockley outfit 'Principles Jazz Club' on St Norbert Road, is recommended for imminent closure.
Notable by its absence from the list of readers' reasons why people should spend more time in West Brockley, Principles has been the subject of a Premises Licence Review, due to "Extreme Health and Safety Issues."
The review document (dated April 11 2008) from Lewisham Council notes that:
"Following discussions with the Licensee it has become apparent that the premises are due to close within the next eighteen months and as such the Licensee has stated that he has no funds with which to rectify the situation. In light of this information and the severity of the Health and Safety issues it is the opinion of the Officer that total revocation would be an appropriate course of action in this case."
Should we be ready to mourn its passing?
With thanks to L for the tip-off.