Human chain forms in Brockley

From 10am tomorrow, Lewisham school pupils will form a human chain to promote a charity founded by the Mizen family, who lost their son Jimmy, who was killed in Lee in 2008. Lewisham's Young Citizens explains:

Over the last two years pupils from Prendergast Ladywell Fields College, working with their local primary schools have introduced the City Safe Haven Campaign to the businesses in their local area. The majority of local businesses have signed up to the campaign. To celebrate this over 700 people will hold hands to form a human chain around the participating shops and at a given signal from the police helicopter they will all shout out together ….

“These are our shops, these are our streets, this is a safe community, this is our community, this area is a City Safe Haven this is OUR City Safe Haven.”

The City Safe Haven Campaign was founded by the Mizen family and London Citizens following the murder of Jimmy Mizen in 2008. This event will celebrate the City Safe Haven campaign and enable a community to come together in a positive way.

The police helicopter, India 99, will hover above the chain to take aerial photographs of pupils from eight schools, Barry Mizen, Lewishams Young Mayor and Deputy Mayor, Heidi Alexander MP,
local Councillors, 30 police officers, members of Lewisham Mosque, local churches, Sikh and Hindu temples, Lewisham Somali community, shop owners, Second Wave and London Citizens.
Where will the chain form 

The event will take place on Brockley Road by Crofton Park Station, between Eddystone Road and Beecroft Road.