Gordonbrock planning hearing tonight
The Brockley Society writes:
Brockley Society took action to halt the demolition and rebuild of Gordonbrock School earlier this year. We submitted alternative proposals that would retain one more of the Edwardian buildings, but these were not accepted by the council. Now plans that are only very slightly different to the original proposal go before the planning committee on Thursday. We would encourage everyone to attend the meeting if you can.
Lewisham's revised application for the redevelopment at Gordonbrock School will be reviewed by the Planning Committee this Thursday, 2nd September 2010, 7.30pm. Any member of the public may attend this meeting, and we would urge you to do so, if you are interested in witnessing Lewisham's democratic planning process at work. The point of the meeting will be for the representative councillors to decide whether or not to grant planning permission for the proposed works.
An agenda for the meeting can be download from here.
The Brockley Society have volunteered to represent the views against granting permission at the meeting. They will have just five minutes to put forward the case.
It really would be great to see as many people there as possible. A petition with approximately 500 unique names was submitted in opposition. A total of 22 letters were received by the council relating to this application. 8 were in favour, 14 were against.