Triumph of imagination 1: Ladywell Village

The increasingly effective Ladywell Village Improvement Group has launched a petition in support of full implementation of the streetscape improvements recommended by consultants Shape.
The plans are an attempt to rejuvenate the high street by improving the environment and encouraging footfall. It can be done here, it has been done elsewhere, it should be done to parts of Brockley Road too. It would be the most effective single investment the Council could make to improve the local community, expand access to local services and repair some of the damage done to the borough through bad planning decisions in the past.
They say:
The proposals comply with best practice and current guidance on street design and have been developed in discussion with the Council’s highway engineers who are now doing more detailed feasibility work on their implementation.

The road through Ladywell is at present wider than it needs to be and could be reduced without jeopardising traffic flows but resulting in a much improved environment for pedestrians and cyclists.