Brockley man launches London Mayoral bid

No, calm down, we know what you're thinking, you're right, Brockley Central would make an excellent Mayor, but our paymasters at Tesco, the Department for Transport, Monsanto and NAMBLA wouldn't hear of it. We're too valuable to them as an instrument of mind control in SE4. 

So instead, another local resident has put himself forward. Peter Lee, a 72 year old police volunteer who's served at Brockley police station, has entered the fray. He shares our love of opinionated blasphemy, telling the News Shopper:

“By Christ, I’ll be known because I’ll speak out...  What the hell does Boris know about the police? I’ve got 10 years experience at a police station.”

Here's his website and manifesto.

We will follow his progress with interest.