The return of the Wickham Arms Quiz Night
Tuesday, 17th April, 8pm
The Wickham Arms, Upper Brockley Road
Broc Soc's Rob is bidding to restore what was once a wonderful Brockley institution: The Wickham Arms Quiz Night. He explains:
It's been a while since there has been a Pub Quiz night at the Wickham. I had a chat with Alan, the new landlord, who is keen to get things organised again in this respect.
We offered to run a quiz night as a one-off to get the ball rolling. If it's a success, it might give him the incentive to make it a regular night again.
The quiz will be of the usual fare - with a gentle tint of questions loosely based on Brockley. It is free to enter, and there will be prizes! And of course, sandwiches will be provided, as tradition dictates.
I can also report, having drank at the Wickham recently, that the cellar is now in a pretty good state, and that the pub smells like a pub should smell, without interference from the drains.
So come back to the Wickham on Tuesday night, and judge for yourself.