Community skipping: The answer to fly-tipping?

BC is somewhat behind the times on this one, given that it's been and gone, but we thought it was worth a mention anyway.

As a follow-up to Lewisham Council's research into the problem of fly-tipping, a free 'community skip' trial took place last weekend. The skip was placed on Eddystone Road for the disposal of large, bulky waste which should otherwise have been dropped off at the Landmann Way Recycling Centre, but all too often is simply dumped on the street.

Mattresses are a particular problem according to Tom Ashworth, a local chap studying for an MA in Design who has been working with the council to try to tackle the fly-tipping problem. 'An average month sees 1,500 [mattresses] dumped onto the streets of Lewisham,' he told BC.

Tom's 'community skip' idea sounds like an innovative way to respond to an irritating ongoing problem. The team are now evaluating the results and considering whether to roll the idea out to the rest of the borough; they're also working on other, related ideas.
BC hopes the skip makes another appearance on our streets.