The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
In a move that is surely entirely unrelated to the forthcoming general election, Brockley’s MP Joan Ruddock has written to constituents asking for their views on a wide range of issues.
She’s asking us to tell her ‘what is good and what is not so good about living in Brockley’, and poses a number of specific questions.
These include:
- What do you think about the new Brockley Station approach, and what further improvements would you like to see?
- What is the biggest anti-social issue you face, from the following?:
Aggressive begging
Dog mess
Litter / fly-tipping
Street drinkers
Other (please state)
- What is the one thing you would do to improve Brockley?
We're sure BC readers have strong views on these questions, and we too would be delighted to hear them!
Anyone who hasn’t received the Freepost feedback form from Ms Ruddock can send her their views on these issues via email
at ruddockj
Or write to her at the House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA