Super Hans: Exactly. I've been down enough bloody City Boy chain pubs with their logos in the foam and disinfectant in the lager, air freshener in the mayo. Nah, I wanna run a place that makes a difference.
Jeremy Usborne: Yeah, well, I'm sure we can sort that out somehow. Let's start by getting rid of this.
Super Hans: [slams his hand down on the washing machine next to him] That stays. That's the reason I fell in love with this place.
Jeremy Usborne: You want a washing machine in the pub?
Super Hans: It'll freak 'em out! What the fuck's a washing machine doing in a pub? Jesus, I need a drink. Yeah? And boom, they'll have to have one of our organic scrumpies.
- Peep Show
The news that the Goldsmiths Tavern will reopen in April, returned to its former name and given a makeover by the Capital Pub Company follows on the news that (as discussed on this thread) on the opposite side of the street, The New Cross Inn has also been sold, to a company called CPIF. Not to be outdone, the Hobgoblin is giving itself a touch up.
Le Fez has been bought by Richard and Joanne Edwards, who intend to refurbish the premises and re-open the business in 2011, thereby cementing New Cross’s reputation as the Shoreditch of South London.
Together with The Amersham Arms, The Royal Albert (Deptford / Brockley borders), The Montague Arms, the Marquis of Granby, New Cross will offer a pub crawl to test even the strongest livers and colons.
Thanks to everyone who contributed on this thread and to Transpontine for his historical piece. It's what the Guardian would call the mutualisation of news.