Jam Circus children's days

We've been forecasting for a while that local businesses would start working harder to accommodate the growing number of young families in the area. Now, Jam Circus writes to let us know about their new children's activity days, starting soon:

From Friday, January 21st, Jam Circus will be starting children activity workshops with this week being an 'Under the Sea' theme. There will be a story telling followed by a chance for the children to get messy with some paint and glitter and make some wonderful artwork. The workshops will be run by Rebecca Harrington who runs sessions at St Hilda's church and has been holding workshops all over the south east previously.

It's £1 a child and there will be two session with a small break inbetween, things kick off at 11am. There will be the usual yummy lunch menu served from 12-3pm and for the children taking part in the art work, we'll be offering lunchboxes for £2 per child. We're aiming for the under 5's at the moment but hope to branch out in the future.

This is very much a test run of our new activity days and a good chance for parents to come along and have a chat about what they'd like to see in the future. Also for anyone with any incredible entertainment or art type skills who want to lend a hand - this would be the perfect time to come and have a chat!