Jude: The obscure set of commitments
Lisa Well who's your booking agent?
Mike She, she knows… actually I don't have west coast representation as of yet
Lisa Well who was your agent back east?
Mike I sort of free lanced on my own kind of a thing
- Swingers
Lewisham Council has confirmed that the Jude Court (nee Bridge House) development does not carry with it any specific obligations to improve access to Brockley Station on the west side.
Obviously, the removal of the scaffolding and the reopening and repair of the pavement outside the station will significantly improve the current approach to the station, but the Section 106 agreement carries with it no obligations to make other cosmetic improvements.
Instead, there is a more general obligation to:
Undertake an Environmental Improvements Scheme to a value of £30,000 after the costs for the footway reinstatement works have been subtracted.
£5,000 will also be contributed to improvements for local cyclists and £10,000 for "town centre management".
We hope to report specifically how the money will be allocated, in due course.